Freehand Pen Functions


Like most painting programs, I-Tex offers you standard freehand drawing functions. Just press the left mouse button and draw your figures, which will appear with the primary color. You can adjust the pen with the Pen Size parameter.

If you activate the spray parameter:
Spray simulates a spray can which is drawn in the radius of the Pen Size. Use it to create dirt and other soils, like rust on metal for example. Spray can also be used with lines, outline-ellipses and outline-rectangles.

This function draws the pen over the background. If you set the opacity value to lower than 100 the pen will blend with the texture.

Here are some special pen functions which can produce interesting effects.

The texture under the pen will be changed into a relief appearing with the primary color. Use the parameter Edge Height to adjust the sharpness.

At the pen's position the texture will be smoothed, so you can remove edges manually without making the whole texture blurred.

Smudge blends the texture with pixels at previous positions on the pen's path.

Shade Bob
This function is similar to the standard solid method (with opacity < 100), but here the distance between the pixel and the interior pen is important. You don't have to take off the pen operation to overdraw previous painting.

With these pen functions you can change the brightness of the texture. You have the following possibilities :

By increasing the RGB values the texture will get brighter.

All color values will be decreased to make the texture darker.

With this pen function you can use another texture as a pen. Set the texture you want to be used as pen as the source. If you set the opacity value to lower than 100 the pen will blend with the texture.

The pen draws the whole source texture with the size defined by the pen size parameter.

The pen does not draw a solid color but the source-texture. This is very useful if you want to mix several textures.

With these functions you can grab a color from the texture.

Primary Color
This copies the color of the pixel at the mouse cursor's position to the primary color.

Secondary Color
This copies the color of the pixel at the mouse cursor's position to the secondary color.